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Thursday, March 21, 2013

Marc Johns book drawings

I love Marc Johns. His illustrations always make my day (ie: this little planet for Nat Geo). And in my usual annoying habit of trying to get my friends and family to love the same things I do, my dad is now a Marc Johns fan. He has two prints framed and hanging in his house, and I love seeing them when I visit.

This week, Marc posted two different book illustrations, which I obviously had to share here.

Marc writes:

I love going to bookstores and just looking at all the wonderfully designed covers (you can't do that on Amazon). Judging books by their covers makes me sound shallow, but I am in constant awe of the serious talent out there. It's an art form in itself. 
That would be the best design job: cover designer. 
I am in constant envy of book cover designers.

The original drawings have been sold, but you can still buy a signed print of the second drawing (I just did).

More work from illustrators I admire.


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